6-5. control panel

The SINRA system offers a management dashboard tailored for environmental conservationists. This dashboard primarily provides the following features:

・NFT Sales Management

This feature allows environmental conservationists to register information about the natural resources they oversee and the projects being carried out there, making them available for NFT sales. Pertinent settings for sales include specifying the NFT pricing (unit price based on environmental value volume), minimum sales volume, and the type of cryptocurrency accepted as payment. This enables customization of marketability for each individual project.

・NFT Management

This is a feature that allows for the cataloging and oversight of issued Regenerative NFTs. It provides detailed information on each NFT, including its associated project and the NFT's status. Through this interface, it's also possible to invalidate any NFTs that encounter issues.

・NFT Issuance

This feature accommodates corporate transaction requests to issue NFTs and allows for MINT operations in response. It's also designed for batch MINTing, such as when offering collective rewards for hometown tax donations.

・Environmental Value Transfer Requests

This feature is designed to accept and manage transfer requests of environmental values from corporate users. It oversees the status from the initial request through to the successful completion of the value transfer.

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